Live. Laugh. Lead.

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Helping leaders develop personally and professionally with skills taught from applied improvisation (yes, like comedy improv); the content is fresh, easy to apply and has immediate results.

  • Understand how to actively listen
  • Improve communication by “being in the moment”
  • Understanding the difference between YES AND vs YES BUT


Liysa Callsen, constantly tries to improve. She has taken personality tests, read books and learned from countless experiences. It wasn’t until she discovered improv comedy that lead her to the full growth potential in her personal and professional life.

Drawing on life experiences, Liysa uses stories, improvisation, audience participation, and tips to help give you a fresh perspective on your obstacles. She will teach you to use humor in life and in business, help you embrace diversity to form stronger teams, and teach you the art of communicating beyond words.

Liysa trained with Second City Chicago and has turned her passion for business and humor into workshops, speaking engagements, and writings. She also founded Women, Wine & Whiskey – Inspiration Through Smooth & Tough Times.