Descartes was a Moron – the Internet of Things in 25,000 Words or Less

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As it’s being pitched today, the shills who are pitching the Internet of Things make it sound as though it’s going to be an exciting world of poorly secured networked light bulbs, heartbeat sensing watches with bad battery life, and Yet Another 10,000 Standards, none of which are.

While those predictions are completely accurate, the shills are Mostly Wrong.  The Internet of Things isn’t about things, and in typical marketing fashion, those vendors with vested interests in excavating your budgets are doing a stellar job of getting you to look in exactly the wrong directions.   It can be cheaper, sooner, and easier than you expected, and all you have to do is pay the speaker…oops…I mean listen to the speaker as she proposes a slightly different model than the one you’ve been hearing about.

Don’t worry, there will be show-and-tell, and code samples, too.


Lynne Whitehorn is Chief Architect for ERP & Web at Silver Star Brands in Oshkosh, where she applies both established and leading edge architectural strategies to drive the development of systems supporting multi-channel retail brands.  Her experiences as a software engineer and consultant in academic, government, and scientific environments for over 20 years have kept Lynne in the forefront of computer innovation and enable her to provide solutions that are both imaginative and practical.

Presented September 2015