Authentic Confidence: The Secret to Loving Your Work and Leading an Unstoppable Career

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Session Summary:

A confidence continuum exists and we are all on it. In order to understand our confidence tendencies, it is important to take an honest self-evaluation. This will increase self-awareness.

Self-awareness is critical in leadership and is the first step in working through your confidence challenges. Self-assessments are safe pathways for you to take an honest look in the mirror. When it comes to confidence issues, labels are dangerous. Calling someone arrogant or insecure is a sure way to shut down a conversation. After thousands of coaching sessions around confidence challenges, I discovered all of the participants fell into one of six profiles. These profiles represent our confidence tendencies and help us understand how to best interact with others.

The 6 Confidence Profiles are Peace Keeper, Friend Maker, Inquisitor, Negotiator, Driver and Convincer. There is no right or wrong profile, as leadership is about progress not perfection. One of the greatest myths regarding confidence issues is that people are in a fixed state. People believe that some individuals are over confident and others are under confident in all areas of life. Some people fit in this category, but this is the exception, not the rule. We all have a bias toward over or under confidence, but this is not a fixed state; it is a tendency.

Whatever your profile, you will learn the ability to connect to the other profiles and elevate your level of influence. The Confidence Profiles were created to be used as a starting point for your career development, not the ending point.  Each of the profiles has a set of characteristics. You have a primary Confidence Profile at work that guides the way you view communication, conflict and change. It is essential to understand the aspects of your profile before understanding the profile of others.

Meet our Speaker:

Ben Fauske is invested in serving leaders so that great teams thrive. He is a confidence researcher and discovered a pattern followed by world-class influencers. This pattern has allowed him to help thousands of leaders find their own confidence transformations.

Ben is a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and is sought after for executive coaching, workshops and keynotes. He released his book Authentic Confidence: The Secret to Loving Your Work and Leading an Unstoppable Career in May of 2020.

Schedule of Events:

4:00pm: Chapter News and Intros
4:10pm: Ben Fauske’s presentation with Q&A
5:00pm: Closing Comments
5:05pm: Virtual Happy Hour

FREE to all interested!  CLICK HERE to sign-up and register.

**SIGN UP REQUIRED on chapter’s Eventbrite page to ensure Zoom meeting and Confidence Profile Assessment links can be sent to participant.

Once registered you will receive an email to complete your Confidence Profile Assessment.  Complete assessment ASAP to ensure your results can be processed and returned to you prior to Ben’s presentation.

Please Note: Registrations on or after May 16 may not receive personal assessment results before the presentation.