NMAA?? What?! Back to our beginnings!

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NEW AITP has members who have experienced the founding of the IT industry.  With the founding of the IT industry also came the National Machine Accountants Association (NMAA), Data Processing Management Association (DPMA) and what is now known as the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP).  Join us to honor these trailblazers and gain from their wisdom as we welcome our special guests (and guest speakers) during our May membership meeting.

We will be reminiscing with a select few on how NEW AITP has changed over the years. Some of the highlights of their days at the helm and some of their funniest moments.  Their views will help illuminate the transition  from the National Machine Accountants Association to Data Processing Management Association which was known as the good old boys and was mostly management.  Currently Association of Information Technology Professionals includes all areas of IT for all ages. With the four pillars of transition, our members go from students to entry level workers to mid-level professionals and ultimately to the C-suite.

We will not only illuminate on the history of NEW AITP but have few fun questions for our selected past presidents allowing us to get to know them a bit better.