April 2017 President’s Message

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Hi Everyone!

Spring is just around the corner, really!

Your NEW Chapter Board of Directors continues to work diligently to provide new and varied programming for our chapter members and this spring is an active one. On Friday, March 24th, NEW AITP members and their families attended the Green Bay Gamblers hockey game and were treated to a sudden death win by the Gamblers. Everyone had a great time at the event!

Our April meeting is being held in Green Bay at the Automobile Gallery. A great venue for those interested in transportation and automobiles, in particular. When combined with an excellent presentation on Artificial Intelligence, we have an event worth the price of admission!

Spring will conclude with our Past Presidents night in May, which provides chapter members the opportunity to see and meet many of the people who have successfully guided the chapter over the years and a chance to ask questions and gain some wisdom from them [or at least a good chuckle here and there].

As always, I continue to seek volunteers for the various committees that provide for the chapter. An hour or two of your time means a lot!

Keep NEW AITP on your calendars and come join us in making NEW AITP’s Spring a very successful one!

— Jay Esty, NEW AITP President 2017 —

One thought on “April 2017 President’s Message

  1. Hi Jay–
    Couple of quick comments/questions.
    I noticed that our meeting is now on Tues. Have we abandoned the old “second wed of the month” format so people could lock in reserving that date for AITP?
    Also noticed that we seem to be having more and more meetings in Green Bay. Has anybody checked to see if we are gaining or losing attendance by having the meetings in downtown Green Bay? Just womdering.
    Also, when a meeting is being publicized, it would be great to see us go back to the old format of announcing the meeting, cost and menu on the chapter home page. This month, even if you go to the registration page, the meal remains a mystery and when it will be served (before or after speaker) is also a mystery.

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